Having a shredded physique does not equate to being a knowledgeable fitness coach.

4 min readMay 7, 2021


Instagram @chandlermikos

Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

Before knowing how nutrition or training programming worked, I bought an online plan from a “fitness model” named Paige to help me get in the best shape of my life. I honestly purchased the program because I thought I could replicate Paige’s impeccable physique. I was following her for a long time on Instagram and was inspired by how much relentless hard work and devotion she put in to achieve her body and was excited to begin my fitness journey. I didn’t do in-depth research on her credentials because the transformation pictures she posted of herself had me believe she was knowledgeable and could help me reach my success.

Photo by Sylvanus Urban on Unsplash

Before receiving my plan, she never asked me what foods I typically enjoyed and incorporated on a day-to-day basis. I didn’t think anything of it because I thought maybe the food I was eating wasn’t healthy enough to reach my goals. She emailed me a precise meal plan to follow, even the timing of when I was supposed to consume my food. There was nothing on there that was appealing to me. I love sweets, so going from eating ice cream, candy, cookies, etc., daily to eliminating it ALL was a drastic change from what I usually had.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

The food was very mundane, my carbs were extremely low, and my calories were way under what my body should have had. I would often say I was feeling lethargic, but Paige told me it was working. She also said that my metabolism would slow down if I were to eat past 7 PM. I would constantly be hungry in the evening, but I never second-guessed it because I thought that’s what I needed to abide by if I wanted to lose weight.

It was going fine for a week or so, but I started falling off track little by little after that. I would begin to eat small bites of what I was craving, and those small bites escalated to eating hundreds of calories, all because I was depriving myself. I was only feeling more and more low energy each day, so I finally ended the program. Little did I know at the time that you can’t give an individual a specific meal plan if you are not a Registered Dietitian.

Photo by Katherine Chase on Unsplash

Months later, I found Show Up Fitness Internship, for which I am beyond grateful. I became an educated and successful fitness trainer who can now help individuals reach their success with proper guidance and knowledge. Chris Hitchko, who taught me all of my education, truly changed my life, and I am beyond blessed to have him as a lifelong mentor and coach.

I learned from Show Up that you do not have to omit food you enjoy to reach your goals. If you love cookies, amazing, eat cookies! Having them will not hinder your progress, nor will ANY food in general. As long as you know your caloric number to reach your goals and eat an adequate amount of macro/micronutrients, you do not have to feel miserable and eat only “health” foods.

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

Your metabolism doesn’t miraculously slow down all because of eating at a specific time in the day. The timing is irrelevant. If you prefer to have your calories in the morning, afternoon, evening, whatever time in the day, it does not matter! It is your preference as to when you eat. Eating past 7 PM does not miraculously mean you will gain weight.

I judged Paige’s knowledge solely based on her looks which was a lesson learned. Never assume someone knows what they are talking about all because they showcase their abs and tell you they can get you in the best shape. Being in shape does not equate to being educated. All because a plan works on a specific person’s body does not mean it will work on everyone else’s. Make sure you do your research before hiring an online or in-person coach. I don't want you to make the same mistake I did. Let me know how I can help you reach your fitness goals!



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