2 min readJan 16, 2021


Instagram @chandlermikos

If you want to get in the BEST shape of your life, what do you have to do? You need to begin NOW, and make a commitment to stick to your goal no matter what circumstance tries to interfere to stop you.




N O W.

Stop saying you will wait until “the time is right.” No. That is another excuse that wants you to stay COMFORTABLE. Staying in comfort is NOT an option if you want to reach any goal you have in life. You will need to face hurdles that are going to arise, and keep pushing foward. Life is going to push you past levels you may never think can can overcome, but one you realize you CAN, you will be unstoppable. That is how you become a WINNER.

Even if you don’t feel ready, who cares?!!? It doesn’t matter if you feel ready or not. Taking the smallest step that you may not think is very much at the time is the STEP that needs to be taken to make a change. How does one reach a goal of theirs if they don’t take the initiative to begin? Don’t let fear, worry, or self-doubt stop you from taking the leap into the unknown.

No one is going to take responsibility for what YOU want in life. The goals and dreams you want are not someone else’s priority. Always remember that. No is here to coddle you and save you from any excuse you have. It is you who has to take the initiative to make it happen. If not, you will be stuck being the same complacent person that you have been content being.

Instead of complaining about how unhappy you are with your body, take control of HOW you are going to make a commitment to work towards your goal, and never give up until you achieve it. It will require patience and dedication, but remember, this is your LIFE. You get to decide the path you want to take. Do you choose to take charge, OR will you settle to be mediocre? I know you want to see what your true potential is. Get to work.



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