3 min readMay 9, 2021
  • Are excuses taking control of your life?

Instagram @chandlermikos

If you want any fitness goal of yours to come to fruition, what has to happen? You have to implement a small change TODAY. There is no perfect time other than right now to commit to yourself. If you keep waiting for an ideal moment to appear you might be in the grave before that happens. Don’t let your excuses try and comfort you to settle for mediocrity.

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

When beginning to work towards a goal, it doesn’t mean to try and go from A to Z in a few weeks. You don’t want to implement an unrealistic change that can lead to a potential burnout having you quit. It is ideal to find a plan that you can sustain for the rest of your life. Remember, your fitness journey is not a few weeks, months, or years. You are on it for life.

Implementing small changes that you can adhere to and gradually building up your habits from there is what will keep you consistently on the path. Trying to find the quickest route to achieve your goals may work for a short period, but after a while, you may find yourself back at square 1. Will everything be linear and always go how you want it? Of course not, but being consistent and not giving up when it gets difficult is how you will succeed.

Photo by DJ Johnson on Unsplash

If it were that simple to transform your body, every individual would be in the best shape of their life. Do you see that? No. It isn’t going to be a walk in the park, nor should it be. How do you expect to flourish and see what you can accomplish in life if you are constantly snug and cozy?

The inevitable obstacles will occur, but that doesn’t mean you completely give up on yourself when that happens. When a setback or hurdle arises, you need to keep going, even if that is 5%. 5% is better than letting your potential wither away in life. Embrace the challenges. It is your responsibility to take action for what YOU want in life. The goals you have for yourself aren’t someone else’s priority to achieve.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

No one is going to coddle and keep you accountable 24/7, saving you from any excuse you have. You have to take the initiative to make what you want to happen. You can choose to settle for a mediocre life and not let your dreams happen, or you can keep pushing forward no matter what circumstances try to interface.

Photo by Katrina Wright on Unsplash

Also, make sure the thoughts you tell yourself are not words of discouragement or negative. If you are constantly feeding your brain on all the ways as to why you can’t accomplish your goals, you are already setting yourself up for an unsuccessful outcome. What if you were to speak words of encouragement and all the reasons as to why it will work? Doesn’t that sound more like a path to victory? What you tell yourself will make or break your success, so you better be your biggest supporter! You can do anything. I believe in you. How can I help you reach your fitness goals? Let me know.

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