Do you need to eliminate carbs to lose weight?

2 min readMay 14, 2021


Instagram- @Chandlermikos

A common misconception regarding nutrition I often hear is that a person should omit carbohydrates if they want to lose weight. I am here to inform you that statement is false. There is no magical ingredient solely in carbs that will miraculously make you gain weight and instead of any other carbohydrate. When it comes to losing weight, what matters most is that you are burning more calories than your body is consuming, which is called a calorie deficit.

Photo by Octavian Dan on Unsplash

All because you may not deem certain foods as “healthy,” it does not mean you can’t reach your fitness goals if you consume them. Some foods are more nutrient-dense than others, but 100 calories in broccoli and 100 calories in ice cream are both equal to 100 calories. Your body doesn’t say, “Hey you! I’m going to add on more calories to this ice cream only because it’s less nutritious than broccoli.” That sounds silly, right?! That’s not how your body works.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Example: Let’s hypothetically say you want to lose weight, and the number of calories your body needs for that to happen is 1500.

If you were to eat 1500 calories of solely Snickers bars, or if you were to have 1500 calories of more nutritional foods like protein, fruit, healthy fats, veggies, etc., you might be surprised, but both options would have you successfully lose the same amount of weight. Is it ideal for you to eat a Snickers bar for every meal? No, it is essential to have an adequate amount of macro/micronutrients. But I am sharing this information with you so you know carbs themself are not the issue when it comes to losing weight.

Photo by Carissa Gan on Unsplash

Whether you enjoy being on Keto, Paleo, Low Carb, etc., it is imperative that you find a plan you can adhere to forever. It’s common for individuals to jump from diet to diet, reaching no success because they don’t include foods they genuinely enjoy eating. Do you like having carbs, terrific! If not, that is okay too. Find what works best for you! Let me know how I can help you reach your fitness goals this week!



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